Pheasant Run Creme Goldens

Advanced Training

Starts at 16 weeks and ends at 20 Weeks of age
Totaling around 450-475 hours of Professional Training, our Master’s Program adds a new dimension to our core training programs. In addition to more extensive training in each of our 4 focus areas, each puppy is finally allowed to leave our facilities and interact with people, places, and other animals in less controlled environments.
Below is a detailed video describing Master’s Program & showing typical graduates!

Videos will be added soon


House Training Goals


Obedience Training Goals


Socialization Training Goals


Outside Training Goals

At 16 weeks old, every puppy is fully inoculated, meaning they have received all of their puppy shots including distemper, parvo, rabies, kennel cough and more. Until this time, our pups are only allowed to be on our property and guarded against being around other animals. If they are on a field trip or visiting a vet, they are not allowed to touch the ground because they are very susceptible to diseases. Once the Master’s Program begins, then our pups are free to go anywhere and training expands drastically.

In addition to our 4 core areas of Puppy Academy & Canine College, puppies learn the following: